Birds are looking to fill up on feed for migration and winter weather. Migrant birds need high protein and fat feed for their long flight south, and resident birds need to build up fat reserves for winter. You can provide a steady stream of food for birds this autumn as food sources get scarce.




Provide high fat and protein seed for migratory and resident birds:


• Black oil sunflowers, white millet and sunflower meats will feed most birds, including grosbeaks


• Sunflower seeds for chickadees, nuthatches, house finches and cardinals.


• Nyjer and thistle seed for finches


• Sunflower meats for robins and warblers


• Suet cakes are perfect for fall and winter because they will not spoil in cooler weather


• Spread peanut butter on pinecones and hang them for a high-fat treat




More rain in fall will cause feed to get soggy, so make sure to clean feeders regularly. Keep leaves under feeders clear for ground feeding birds to get at dropped seed.

Clean and pack away hummingbird feeders about 2 weeks after birds have not been observed or when temperatures drop below freezing.



Attract more birds to your yard with water sources. Add a bird bath heater in late fall for early freezes.

Clean nesting material out of abandoned bird houses and clean with warm soapy water for the next resident.


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